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The StripePayments plugin provides payment gateway services to StoreBuilder via your Stripe account.

Installing the StripePayments Plugin

Add the StoreBuilder.StripePayments.dll to your web project by adding a reference to the Nuget package StoreBuilder.StripePayments

Stripe Payments Settings

The Stripe Payments plugin requires the following settings to be configured within Storebuilder:

StoreBuilder.StripePayments.IsDevelopment (bool)

A bool to determine if Test Keys or Live Keys in the settings are used

StoreBuilder.StripePayments.TestSecrectKey (string)

The TestSecretKey can be found after logging into Stripe in your stripe account settings.

StoreBuilder.StripePayments.TestPublishableKey (string)

The TestPublishableKey can be found after logging into Stripe in your stripe account settings.

StoreBuilder.StripePayments.LiveSecretKey (string)

The LiveSecretKey can be found after logging into Stripe in your stripe account settings.

StoreBuilder.StripePayments.LivePublishableKey (string)

The LivePublishableKey can be found after logging into Stripe in your stripe account settings.